Support Services

Estate Planning

Through our arrangement with local lawyers and solicitors, we facilitate a comprehensive range of estate planning services.

Estate planning is the process of ensuring that your wealth is directed according to your wishes after you die. Making sure your wealth goes where you want it to is not just a simple matter of preparing a will – although a will is almost always a key part of your estate planning. You also need to consider things such as your superannuation benefits, family businesses, assets owned by legal entities such as family trusts as well as assets owned as joint tenants, etc.

It is also vital that your estate planning be consistent with your current financial planning, to ensure that your affairs are handled as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible, both now and in the future.


Getting appropriate advice can make a real difference when it comes to qualifying for or maximising your Centrelink benefits. Our knowledge and experience will assist you to maximise your Centrelink entitlements without needlessly compromising your longer term wealth development and enhancement strategies.

Common areas of financial plans that impact on Centrelink planning include the family home, reverse mortgages, gifts and financial support to other people such as your adult children and the interplay of structures such as family trusts with the Centrelink rules.

We also assist clients with non-aged related Centrelink needs, such as disability or carer payments.


Everybody wants to retire as comfortably as possible.

It is never too early to start planning your retirement. For younger clients, retirement might be a little in the background, as we assist you with more immediate aims such as buying a home, paying off debt, managing your career and raising a family. But the fact that there are more pressing aims does not mean that retirement should be ignored completely, and we can show you how to manage your affairs so that what you do today also benefits you when you retire.

For clients closer to retirement age, we help you decide when and how to start to make the transition from working life to retirement. For some people this transition is a gradual process. For others it is more sudden. Either way, we help you ensure that you make the transition as comfortably and successfully as possible.

This can include things like planning for the potential use of Centrelink and other Government benefits.

For clients who have already retired, our aim is simple: to help you make sure your money lasts as long as you need it to. This means ensuring that you have invested your super in an appropriate place and that you are managing the costs of your investments – including tax – as efficiently as possible.

Once again, we also ensure that your financial planning makes good use of Centrelink and any other government benefits to which you may be entitled


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